
Software information


Freeware (Free)


23 Dec 2013


Software Screenshots

Size: 5.21 MB

Downloads: 5980

Platform: Windows (All Versions)

Review by Jerome Johnston (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 11 Sep 2012

Let's suppose that you need to capture the desktop and save it as an image file, for displaying a computer problem to an experienced user. Or just for recalling certain information. You could press the Print Screen, then paste the image into MS Paint and after that, save it as an actual image file. But the problem is that the process takes a lot of time. And it gets even worse if you have to capture a lot of images or to take screenshots of only certain portions of the screen. Fortunately, there are programs that can do all these automatically. All you would need to do is click on the mouse a couple of times.

A program for capturing the desktop is Clip2Net. This simple Windows application allows capturing any portion of the screen and then uploading it to the program's website, where you can share it with anyone. Alternatively, you can save the capture as a regular image file, so you can send it using email or IM applications.

The program installs very quickly and places an icon into the system tray when it is launched. Clicking on the icon will allow the user to quickly capture a certain area of the desktop by simply selecting it. Right clicking on the icon will bring up a large menu from where the user can choose a different type of capturing. No matter what method is used, at the end of the capturing process, one can make different kinds of annotations on the image, he can add text and then save it as a regular JPEG file or upload it to the program's website.

Uploading images requires having an account on the website, as guest users aren't currently allowed to upload images. Besides uploading captured images directly from the interface, Clip2Net also allows uploading any kind of file online. Using the options section of the program, the user can configure the quality of the final captured image file and he can also enter the username and password for the Clip2Net online account. Using the same options window, one can configure shortcut keys to be used for capturing the desktop instead of clicking on the program's icon.


It allows capturing the desktop in different ways and saving the screenshot as a regular JPEG file or uploading it to the program's website. Besides that, it allows setting shortcut keys, for capturing the desktop even easier than clicking on the program's icon. Furthermore, any kind of file can be uploaded to the program's website.


Uploading captured images online requires having an account on the program's website. Clip2Net allows you to capture the desktop in every way possible and to upload the captured image online, for sharing it with anyone.



Clip2Net Awards

Clip2Net Editor’s Review Rating

Clip2Net has been reviewed by Jerome Johnston on 11 Sep 2012. Based on the user interface, features and complexity, Findmysoft has rated Clip2Net 5 out of 5 stars, naming it Essential


out of 5